
07 October, 2021

Sitecore 9, 10 - Experience Editor Slow or Hang in general or for non-English languages?

As part of the Sitecore Upgrade to Sitecore 10.0.1, we faced an issue related to experience editor. When we try to edit the page in experience editor for non-english version of the item, the CM website hangs and then it will just block every other requests. Entire CM instance will be unavailable. 


  1. Checked the Vanilla Sitecore 10.0.1 version and experience editor is working as expected. 
  2. Debugged the solution and found out that Dictionary API (Sitecore.Globalization.Translate.Text) is the root cause for the slowness. 
Sitecore has reported a similar issue as a known issue for Sitecore 9.3 onwards and the fix was included in Sitecore 10.1.0. Sitecore article has a fix for version 9.3 in their page

Reached out to Sitecore to get the fix for Sitecore 10.0.1 version. For this version, the hotfix has a set of DLLs and a config file. They are not support DLLs. So we should include this as part of the CI/CD pipeline so that it does not get overwritten next time. 

After applying the fix, the experience editor started to respond for all the other languages as well. 

Reach out to Sitecore if your Sitecore version (9.3 to 10.0.1) has a similar issue on experience editor and they will be providing the hotfix for the particular version. 

blockquote { margin: 0; } blockquote p { padding: 15px; background: #eee; border-radius: 5px; } blockquote p::before { content: '\201C'; } blockquote p::after { content: '\201D'; }