
13 October, 2013

Smart Tools-1: Add Version and Copy Content

Recently I published a Sitecore tool (idea was old but did not get time to work on itJ) to add a version and copy the field content from the source language to the selected destination language(s).

This tool does the following tasks. 
  • It adds a new version to the selected destination language(s) version.
  • It copies the content from the source language (context item) to all selected destination language(s).
  • It has the option of including the child items as well.


There is a package which you can download from the Sitecore marketplace. You can use Sitecore inbuilt installation wizard to install the package. The package includes an assembly, XML control and a config file.

How to use:
  • Once installed, you will have a menu item in the content tree. 

  • On selecting this menu, a window will open with all the available options. Source language is from the context language. If the source language is different from the default language, please change it and select the menu. 

  • An alert window will show you the message on the completion of the process. 

That's it

Smart Tools-2 will be published soon. ;)

Update: (1/13/2015)

  • Version 2.0 has been released in Marketplace. 
  • It supports Sitecore 7.0+ and SXP 8.
  • In SXP 8 , you  may need to disable the analytics and install the package.

Update: (7/27/2016)

  • Version 3.0 has been released in Marketplace. You can download it here
  • It supports Sitecore 8.1 with shared layout. 


  1. Hi nehemiyah,

    I have taken your source code and modified it to have one more feature, like while making version for complete site there could be few items which you do not want to create version for example environment specific settings etc., To facilitate this I used jquery and other stuff.
    Will you allow me to be contributor or you like me to start a new fork at place this as separate module in marketplace. Let me know your view on this.

    Vishal Gupta

    1. Nice idea Vishal.
      I can add you as contributor. Let me know your profile details in marketplace.

  2. Version 2.0 has been released in Marketplace.
    It supports Sitecore 7.0+ and SXP 8.
    In SXP 8 , you may need to disable the analytics and install the package.

  3. Is this module compatible with Sitecore 8.1 (rev. 151003)?
    I installed it, but when I click on Add version and Copy, it does not bring up the screen with options. Infact, nothing happens.

    1. Yes it works. I am told that there is a bug in copying Final Layout Shared Field content to new version. I will modify the module and publish it in 2 days.

  4. Pls let me know if it should be working fine with Sitecore 8.1 Initial release

    1. Version 3.0 has been updated. Please download the package here. Fixed issues in copying Final Layout Shared Field from source to Target.

  5. Hello, is this module compatible with Sitecore 10?

    1. It can be just upgraded to .NET 4.8 with the right Sitecore.Kernel version and it should work. I would stronly advice you to look into Sitecore PowerShell for these features.


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