
18 September, 2024

Coveo for Sitecore - Endpoint Deprecation Issues? Upgrade the Coveo for Sitecore module

Even though we migrated Coveo endpoint to Organization specific endpoint, we still get email from Coveo that deprecated endpoints are being used. Looking at the traffic in Coveo administration, we were still getting much of the analytics traffic using deprecated endpoint. 

Coveo for Sitecore version: 5.0.1277.4 (Release date: October 23, 2023)

The latest Coveo for Sitecore module version (5.0.1368.1) has fixes for updating the analytics endpoint. In the release notes, we have quite a few Analytics related changes and proper analytics endpoints are being used with this version. 

WEB-6836: Fixed the content structure of the Coveo Page View Analytics request payload.
WEB-6922: Removed no longer required usage reporting.
WEB-6937: Fixed the analytics endpoint being used when you bypass the Coveo for Sitecore proxy.
WEB-6954: Simplified the way the Usage Analytics endpoint is composed, depending on the context.

Example: \Coveo\Hive\js\CoveoForSitecore.js

Once the module is upgraded, the traffic starts to drop in the deprecated endpoint and eventually leading to 100% in the recommended endpoint. 

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